Big Decision to Make? Turning Point in Your Work?
Time for an Expanded Vision of Your Life?
My Proven System Can Make ANY of These Happen Faster & Easier
(I can help YOU increase your bottom line, as well)
3-Month Quick Start Intensive Program
Comprehensive Program: 3 Month One-to-One Coaching
Your In-depth, Personalized Training – 7 Private Sessions with Karen includes:
- An initial one hour Decision Point Assessment kick-off session to reveal deep insights into your current path and how it unfolds into your alternate path choices – we will identify the best path and you will receive specific tools to get you started on solidifying your decision
- An action-oriented Decision Point Plan tailored to your situation jam-packed with specific tasks to start actioning right away – this will be developed during our Decision Point Assessment call and it will be sent to you within 24 hours.
- 7 Weekly Attraction Mindset video training modules designed to teach you my highly powerful QC2 Method to shift your mindset, create confident decisions, access Infinite Intelligence at will and feel better in ANY situation (see the Module Description on the next page)
- 6 Bi-Monthly 30 minute Attraction Mindset Coaching Sessions to review the content of the weekly training modules and how to apply it to your specific situation, answer questions and discuss decision-making progress/challenges
Plus, Seven Weekly Online Video Training Modules.
Learn the Basics of Karen’s powerful QC2 MethodTM that will Catapult Your Results!
Module #1 – How to Identify the Lies You’re Limiting Yourself With
Module #2 – Decide to Choose – Becoming a Powerful Creator
Module #3 – Set Your Own Abundance GPS
Module #4 – Set it & Forget It – Daily Activities that Create Epic Shift
Module #5 – Do the Etch a Sketch – Create A Blank Slate
Module #6 – Activate the SuperPower We All Have and Rarely Use
Module #7 – Putting it All Together
Each of these Modules will be followed up by a 30 minute Bi-Monthly Attraction Mindset call with Karen to discuss how the Module applies specifically to your circumstances. Each call will result in specific ‘next-step’ action steps
Bonuses include:
- Up to Two on-demand (20 minutes) sessions per month to give you extra support when you feel stuck or when challenges arise between coaching sessions
- Unlimited email questions to support you between sessions with any challenges or burning questions that arise where you need support NOW
- A Year of Wow Daily Attraction Journal will be mailed to you so you can plan and mark your progress
Regular price $2500
Special Offer $1800 – Register Now
Save $700
Or, 3 Monthly Payments of $650 – Register for 3 Pay Now