No Limits Accelerator

This is coaching for High Achieving Woman who are at a turning point in their work life and experiencing things like: Overwhelm, Self-sabotage, Procrastination and Imposter Syndrome, to name a few, if this is you, you are in the right place.

I work with women who are hitting a wall and are tired of trying to figure it out on their own.  Truly, you are not alone in this,  I've been working with high-achievers for over 10 years and I know their challenges well.

Providing coaching and training to corporate and entrepreneurial women through this program , I share how to eliminate overwhelm, self-sabotage, procrastination and the Impostor Syndrome as well as any other blocks (external and internal) that stand in the way of having a happier, more satisfying and rewarding work life.  Along with this, I teach specific, proven strategies to create and grow your ideal business or career on your terms.

The result?  Your Work, Your Life, Your Terms.  I’m still always amazed how quickly life can shift for the better with the right tools, perspectives, strategies and support.  That's what this Mastermind provides.

Who am I? In 2007, my name is Karen Luniw and I left a long-term career in HR where I worked closely with business owners and job seekers, to start my coaching business.  I knew I could help more people create the personal and professional life they desire and deserve.

I created a podcast to help more people which became  my claim to fame.  The podcast, Law of Attraction Tips, hit the Top 10 on the iTunes Self-Help category in 2006 and has been there ever since with well over 20 million downloads.

My business developed from that exposure and it quickly shifted into working mostly with women in business, world-wide, to help them tackle their business or career challenges.

In that time, I developed a very unique method and set of tools that combines logic, strategy and action with the magic and ease of life which has catapulted my clients results in an absolutely amazing way.

So, if you’re ready for positive change, let’s talk.  Set up a time with me below, no strings, we’ll create some clarity for you, identify what specifically is getting in your way and what you need to do to change it so you can finally be creating and living your life on your terms.

This is a 12 week DONE WITH YOU program for women in business who are either in corporate or working their own business.  The NO LIMITS Business Woman Mastermind is designed to help you identify VERY CLEARLY what is getting in your way of having the professional and personal life you’ve been working so hard to create. We will share the tools, both mindset and strategic business, that will get you where you want to go ON YOUR TERMS.  

Get all the details here:  No Limits Mastermind FAQ's

Book a session to explore if this is right for you - click the button below.



Q: What do you actually GET as a No Limits Member?

  • 12 week, lifetime online membership program with 5 intensive online modules where you are literally going to rewrite the rules for your professional life on your terms.
  • Two, 1-1 monthly coaching calls with your Mindset & Strategic Business Mentor Karen Luniw
  • Two Live Q&A Calls WEEKLY with Karen
    • Monday Strategy/Technical Q&A group calls –
      • In this call I share EVERYTHING I know in response to your questions about strategies to grow your business or career, including time management, marketing, personnel, resumes, interviews, internal politics, sales, speaking etc. and that’s just the strategy part!
      • As far as the Technology aspect – I can answer pretty much anything technical with websites, marketing, social media, CRM (customer relationship management) Facebook ads, videos, webinars, podcasts, etc.
    • Thursday will be our Mindset Mastery Q&A
      • This call is devoted to Mindset – what came up during the week, what struggles you’ve been having and we clear them out so you have a different perspective, clarity and freedom from the limiting or negative belief or fear.  The group environment is particularly powerful because there are often so many commonalities that not one of them would have ever suspected.
      • It is also very common to tap into the expertise of those in the group – everyone learns from each other.
      • Can’t attend the Live Q&A’s? Send your questions in, I’ll answer them on the call.
      • All calls are recorded and placed in the private FB group for you to watch at your leisure
  • Access to our Private Facebook group where you can ask questions, get marketing critiques, resume critiques or anything that is going to keep you moving and in action.
  • Accountability Mondays – every Monday a post is put up where you can choose to post what top tasks you’ll be working on for the week.  Many find this aspect is another way to keep them on track.

That’s the nuts and bolts of what you get in the program but the all of those are the platform and tools that will facilitate the quantum leaps you’re about to take:

  • We start with helping you rewrite the rules about work, money, relationships and life in general that have been holding you back.
  • You will have a breakthrough in clarity about your situation, how you got to this point and how to move powerfully through to what you want.  You will know very clearly what you need to go where you want.
  • Procrastination will start to be something you easily recognize and move past
  • You will learn to own your value and leverage your own distinct brilliance and help you design and strategically implement your plan
  • Your confidence will skyrocket and second-guessing yourself will become a thing of the past
  • Break through your own personal glass ceilings (yes, glass ceilings exist in both corporate and entrepreneurial realms!)
  • How to break through your visibility barriers in business and get you seen by those that most need to see you.
  • You’ll no longer feel stalled in your professional (and personal) life because you will learn how to move out of that state quicker than you thought possible.
  • This program is all about tools, implementation and action that will create the results you want in your professional life.The investment to join the 12 week Mastermind currently ranges from $1500 to $5000.

Rub shoulders & GROW with like-minded women in business who are on a QUEST to impact the world with their expertise & wisdom.

They are totally committed rock stars who are PAYING MEMBERS and ACTIVELY participating in their growth every single day. (I’m talking real women who are learning and implementing the strategies and mindset and moving head-on at eliminating procrastination, overwhelm, self-sabotage and the imposter syndrome)

These are solopreneurs, lawyers, fitness coaches, authors, sales pros, coaches, consultants, musicians, TV personalities, corporate healthcare women, financial advisors, spiritual women entrepreneurs with HEART who care and share.  I would be hard-pressed to find an occupation or business type I haven’t worked with before.

This sounds AWESOME! I want to Apply to the “No Limits Mastermind” Now!


Fantastic question!  I’ve been in groups and masterminds that have been ’hands off’ and that is exactly why I designed the No Limits Mastermind the way I have – my belief is the more I can be involved with you – the better results you’ll get.

Between the weekly two live Q&A’s with me and the 1-1 coaching sessions – I am here by your side to help you achieve your goals.  You still need to do your part, too and I am both your cheerleader and coach through every step you take. This is a lot of access directly to me where you can access my intuition and vast expertise to help you personally with your goals.  This is not a cookie-cutter program.

Creating positive transformation in your life is paramount to me and I know it can be done even if you didn’t get those results before.  The only reasons people don’t get results are because they don’t use the tools I give them and/or they are extremely skeptical. (Note that I say extremely skeptical, there is a vast difference from having some healthy skepticism and full out resistance-based skepticism – if you aren’t sure where you are in the mix, we can chat about that on our call to see if we’re a match)

I purposely keep these groups small so you get what you need and don’t get left behind.

==> ALRIGHT! I want to Apply to the “No Limits Mastermind” today!


So here is a little tough love – sounds to me like you’ve been used to playing small and you’ve been called to do something bigger and now you’re a little fearful because the way to that bigger goal is right in front of you (hint: this Mastermind).

What you’re feeling isn’t uncommon at all – in fact, that may be the imposter syndrome in action – no biggie – we can deconstruct those beliefs!

Playing bigger, stepping into your purpose and owning your value are exactly what this program is about – if you’ve come this far – take another step and have a call with me.


I totally get it – ALL the women that work with me are, by design, busy women and high achievers and they have made a choice to make this work so they can create something different in their life.

It’s a choice YOU get to make.  Question is, how do you start the process of getting un-busy if you don’t decide to do something different?

As Einstein says, ‘we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them’.

My experience is that if you have been trying to change this problem you’re having for more than a couple of months and have tried a number of different things (books, articles, courses, talking to friends) and they haven’t worked – than you need some personal outside perspective.

The actual nuts and bolts of time outside of the live Q&A calls, probably a couple of hours a week will be more than sufficient to take in the information from the modules.  However, having said that – you will have lifetime access to the modules and can watch them at a pace that works for you.

If you can’t attend the calls live – you can send your questions in and I will answer them on the call and then you can do any follow up questions in the private Facebook group and I will answer them as I see them.  We record the calls and you’ll have access to them and learn from the group which is extremely powerful.


Great question!  We used to have just one price point but as I talked with more and more women, I found that I was not only limiting myself but my prospective clients!! HA!!

So what I’ve done is created three different levels of the Mastermind – in all levels you receive everything outlined above – the only difference is the amount of 1-1 coaching calls you and I will have together.

Some women wanted to go full out, gung-ho and wanted more time with me so they could quickly accomplish more.  For some ladies,  they wanted to still move quickly but not the extra coaching sessions.  Then, there was the group of gals who either didn’t have the time to allot to extra 1-1 sessions or didn’t have the budget but STILL wanted to get great (way faster than most programs) results!

That’s why I created the three levels and the investment starts at a $1500 and ranges to $5000, currently.

My priority with all my clients is that they get the results they want FAST and that’s what being part of the Mastermind does – sometimes during our first call!! (no kidding!)


Now this is a great, solid, practical question – thank you for asking it!  First, to be totally transparent, there are some people that didn’t have a monetary return on investment and that was because that wasn’t their goal.  Many things, love, confidence, accomplishment of a goal, are worth the money they paid to work with me, many times over.

For most others, their return on investment was, in many cases, exponential.  I have very long-term clients BECAUSE they keep making more and more money.

How do you decide?  Think of this, if you achieved the goal you want, would it put more than a few thousand extra dollars in your pocket? If so, than you’re in the right place.

If you could have the confidence to have more sales; if you got the promotion or new job that you’ve been too afraid to ask for; if you could muster the bravery to start your new business; if you could get more done would that open the door to new money-making ideas or get you the big bonus you want?  The potential for making more money is literally endless and I’ve seen it materialize for my clients over and over again. (Did I mention we help you start the healing process with your relationship with money?)

If more money is not your goal, what is the value of having more confidence, more clarity, more fun, more peace or the sense of accomplishment?  That’s just to name a few non-monetary goals – the list is literally endless and priceless. What is having what you want while you’re on this earth worth to you?  What’s the value of going for your dream?

You see, I think you are priceless and I act accordingly to help you get what you want.

==> ALRIGHT! I’m Ready to Hold the World in the Palm of My Hands!

Karen Luniw, CEO No Limits Business Woman

The No Limits Process is Simple...

  • Identify

    First thing we do is identify what you want to achieve and what’s getting in the way whether it’s a strategic or mindset challenge.  Karen then shares with you how to eliminate this challenge.

  • Integrate

    In all our programs we share very specific tools that have helped our clients to create more money, more time freedom, more purpose, more confidence and more happiness in their lives.

    We share them and then help you to integrate these tools into your daily life.

  • Leverage

    Once you clear out what’s been holding you back, learn the tools and strategies that will help you move forward – next we help you to leverage your amazing skills and experience and fast forward you to your goals.

This Is Who We Work With...

This Is What We Work On...

This Is What We Do Together...